Close Quarters

Protective Detail Tactics



This is an advanced skill development course designed for the armed professional engaged in protective services operations. During this block of instruction the student will receive a practical base of knowledge in the dynamics of protective operations and techniques for successful management of such details. Further, the attendee will receive training in the efficient and effective use of the duty handgun, pistol and/or revolver in environmental conditions similar to those experienced during a protective service detail, to include; close quarters shooting, shooting in and around vehicles and shooting from unconventional positions. This program is presented in a contemporary and legally defensible format. Response skills will be developed through simulated force application situations and dynamic range exercises.


This course is limited to current law enforcement officers, private security specialists, and military personnel (all other categories must seek prior approval from the training staff).


  • Understanding protective operations

  • Advanced detail and close protective detail responsibilities

  • Principle movement and evacuation techniques

  • Principles of combat shooting

  • Multiple shot techniques

  • Multiple threat analysis and engagement

  • Simulation based training

  • Close proximity/close quarters shooting techniques

  • Dominant and Non-dominant hand techniques

  • Unconventional shooting position techniques

  • Back up weapon considerations and use

  • Selection and utilization of cover and concealment

  • Reduced light operations

Eligible candidates for this program are members of the police, corrections, military and security communities. ALL applicants MUST provide credentials of their affiliation with an accredited law enforcement, corrections, military or security organization for acceptance into this program.



 4 days/ 32 hours




(See Course Hosting)


  Please call 877-267-7772  ext. 3


copyright 2004 The Police Policy Studies Council. All rights reserved. a Steve Casey design.